An ongoing series of informational entries

Attracting Abundance
Now I know it's been awhile since I shared a blog and this comes through from my newsletter. The last photo you’ll notice I'm sharing is of me (the hair colour has changed just a bit) on a camel in front of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt in March 2016.
Now I’m here to tell you that dreams do come true. This was only once a thought, a dream, a goal. The end result to know it would happen was to have my photo taken on a camel in front of the pyramids. I’d seen photos of others doing this and I thought I’d love that too. I must say being on that camel wasn’t the most enjoyable thing so looks can be deceiving of the hard work that sometimes comes with reaching your goal. :) But this look does say ‘‘I did it’’. Which was guided to happen by the guide who said to me put your hands up in the air.. I did have to trust and let go….
You may have heard me share this story of how it came about during one of my face book readings as I’ve shared before if you follow me.
My husband and I in 2015 went to Gallipoli as my husband and I were picked in the ballot to mark the 100th year since the war in Gallipoli where his grandfather served. We were 2 out of 12,000 chosen out of the 44,000 who entered.
I was actually born in England and came to Australia as a 9mth old baby with my parents. So we decided to incorporate the trip over a month by vising the UK. This was my first time going back.
Being farmers this was a very big thing for us. This was to be my husbands first over seas trip and my 2nd. The year before I went to Bali for a yoga and meditation retreat with Sacred Earth which was an amazing experience that I am very grateful for.
I said to my husband before we left on our month trip if only we had another $10,000 and another 2 weeks we could go to Egypt as I said it’s just over the water and always had been a dream to see the pyramids. We didn’t have either so I said let’s say we’ll go in 5 years. He said we’ll go in 5 years, purely repeating my words :)
I said to myself now Sheila you know how this works, with the work I do and you really want this. So just as we were leaving for our trip I put a shiny pyramid on my phone and thought wouldn’t it be amazing if somehow we went in 12 months. :) Knowing this wasn’t the norm for it to happen especially with our months trip away and being farmers not knowing what each season would bring this certainly wouldn’t normally happen so if it did it would be like a miracle. So off we went on our Gallipoli and UK trip, we had a wonderful time.
Arriving at the airport to come home from Istanbul we went to check in at the airport and they told us the plane had been double booked. Only 2 nights before we’d been up all night in Gallipoli so we were a tadd tired. Normally I would be one to go with the flow but I found myself saying, how does this happen when we booked 12 mths ago. They had children they wanted to keep together on the plane so were to wait for another plane which was another 5 hours away now at midnight. The lady at the check in counter said don’t worry we will make it up to you.
She then proceeded to write out 2 return tickets to Istanbul to be used within 12 mths, non returnable non redundable. At that moment I just wanted to get on the plane. It wasn’t as though I wanted a free ticket or even thinking of such as thing. At the same time standing in line I realised I didn’t have my phone. (yes the one with the shiny pyramid on it)
Wondering how we would stay awake they put us in the comfort lounge to shower, eat and relax while we waited. As if this wasn’t enough :) especially these days with what’s happening. My husband was laying back in the lounge sipping scotch that was all complimentary, I was sitting on the edge of the seat determined not to fall asleep.
If you’ve got to this part of the story thankyou for sticking with me because I feel this story needs to be told. When we were finally boarding the plane they called out our name and said Mr and Mrs Henley you’ve been upgraded to comfort class. We couldn’t believe it. Funny on our flight over I thought wouldn’t it be amazing if they came to us and said Mr and Mrs Henley we have spare seats in first class would we like to move to them :) So this was even more amazing that it actually happened.
We finally arrived back in Melbourne, our bags were not in sight it was just lucky last thought I packed a small back pack with spare clothes so all we needed to buy was a tooth brushes and paste.
When we finally arrived home, my husband was just thinking about putting the crop in as it was the end of April. Let’s go back to the date of the photo of me with the camel it was actually the 9th March 2016. So by the end of our trip it was a 11 mths from our Egypt trip when I said what if we went in 12 mths wouldn’t that be amazing. A month within the 12 mth of my goal we returned home from our 2 week Egypt trip including a weeks cruise on the Nile. We still needed 2 weeks and we still needed $10,000 but our return tickets saved us $4500 which without them this trip never would have happened I’m here to tell you.
By the way if you’ve made it this far. I mentioned about losing my phone. In the line up at the Istanbul airport a lady in front of me said she was in the same Mariott Motel to us on the same tour in Gallipoli. She over heard me telling my husband about losing my phone. She handed me a piece of paper with the motels phone number we stayed at suggesting I call them because as she was leaving to go to the airport she saw someone hand a phone in to the counter.. She said there’s 2 Mariotts and with 20 million people in Istanbul so we need to make sure we called the right one. When I finally got around to emailing to explain they rang me one night at midnight to identify the phone. He said how can you identify it’s yours. I said when you turn it on it will have a picture of a shiny pyramid on it. He said it’s definitely yours. :) A month later after having to trust and share my ID to an overseas country and $120.00 later, I received the phone in the mail. Amazing story to share to trust and believe anything is possible. Thankyou for allowing me to share.

Yes Red Wine Does Contain Fruit But......
Yes Red Wine Does Contain Fruit you feel you drink far too much of it?
It certainly is ok to have the odd glass or two. You may be finding of late the one glass turns into drinking the whole bottle including weekends and now through the week. You may be finding it's become more of an issue most recently with covid. In Australia drinking alcohol is seen to be the normal thing to do. But is it getting out of hand for you?
Like most habits this can just be another. With the support of Sheila together we can achieve your goal of either cutting down or becoming a non drinker. This might be to cut down to one or two nights a week, to just have a glass or two, or to quit altogether, the choice is yours entirely.
By cutting down means you will feel less anxious or depressed and less risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease. Alcohol can effect so much more including your weight, by drinking less you will have more energy, feel and look better and improve your relationships with those around you.
I'm here to support you, over the next 2 weeks if you arrange a 4 session online or in person in Ungarie package you'll save $50.00.

What's the difference between Stress, Worry & Anxiety
Over the last 5 months I've morphed my in person hypnotherapy business to an online business.
As you may have noticed my website has taken on a new look. As I do make the changes and updates all myself as I enjoy the creative side if you notice any imperfections please forgive me as it's a work always in progress.
Zooming in to the past 2 weeks I've enjoyed sharing 2 online Group Presentations on Zoom who I've shared with 19 people as my complementary gift during these times. The topic was sharing the awareness of the difference between Stress, Worry & Anxiety and tips in coping with the chaos of life to help find your inner peace.
From this I've created a 4 week online Helping You Find Your Inner Peace in amongst the chaos group program allowing us to go even deeper.
The first online group will commence 25/8/20 weekly on Tuesdays if you'd like to join me. READ MORE

Reiki & Crystal Healing
What to expect from your Reiki & Crystal Healing Experience
with Sheila?
My clients tell me when they have a Reiki Healing they feel much more relaxed, peaceful and yet more energized.
Improve your wellbeing.
A Reiki Healing allows the body to Heal on a Mental, Emotional and Physically level. Read More.

Research studies found that teenagers who stress about doing well in their exams are likely to get lower results than peers who remain calmer.
Stress in students can lead to poor academic achievement, apathy, depression, behavioral problems.
Using a simple approach helps children and teenagers manage stress and develop their own ability to use mental skills for their well being and success.
Teaching them resilience and valuable life skills is crucial.
Giving children the right help early on can set them up for life.
It is estimated that one in ten children and young people aged 5-16 suffer from a mental health difficulty this is around three children in every school class.
As a Clinical Hypnotherapists I can consider alternative approaches to address these issues. Read More

In a 2017 research in the UK by Dove, it was found that 61% of 10-17 year old girls in the UK have low self-esteem.
Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves.
Synonyms or near-synonyms of self-esteem include: self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, and self-integrity.
Self-esteem is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Read More.

Hypnosis and Depression
The World Health Organisation (WHO) documents that 264 million people across the globe suffer with depression.
It is a leading cause of disability worldwide, is a major contributor to the “overall global burden of disease”,
and can also lead to suicide.
It affects all ages but afflicts more women than men.
It can cripple functionality in many areas of life, rendering null and void the ability to work, socialise and maintain healthy relationships.
It manifests itself in many ways both physically and emotionally
From an indication prospective, if someone has been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks, they may be suffering from depression READ MORE.

Lockdown and Alcohol
Have you been drinking more?
Let’s look at the effects in particular in Britain. They are drinking more alcohol during the COVID-19 lockdown, this could be felt for a generation, some experts have warned.
Alcohol sales rose by 67% just prior to the lockdown, as many prepared to drink at home.
The question remained, however – were people stocking up because they feared shortages?
Or were they actually drinking more?
The research suggests that around 8.6 million UK adults have drunk alcohol more frequently under lockdown.
Worryingly, nearly one in five (18%) daily drinkers have further increased the amount of alcohol they have consumed since lockdown.
Why does it matter?
What Can You Do About It? Read More!

Weight Loss Group Online Program
by Sheila Henley Clinical Hypnotherapist
Do you now have a #lockdownbody?
Have you managed to acquire #quarantine7 (the average kgs taken on during lockdown)?
Or have you always struggled with weight throughout your life, particularly as middle age approaches?
I have no doubt that you will have tried every diet out there, every passing fad and each celebrity-endorsed product.
Only to find that NONE of them work.
Everyone knows the detrimental effects of excess weight. It hits in so many places, such as
mental wellbeing
To achieve real long-term freedom from excess weight requires CHANGE.
With the use of hypnosis, over a four-week consultation program can change your mindset - habits and behaviours - around food that that have been acquired over a lifetime. Read More!

Hypnosis and Sport
by Sheila Henley Clinical Hypnotherapist
The world continues to be gripped by the
Coronavirus global pandemic.
It affects everyone, including top-notch athletes,
unable to physically train as they would like.
Athletes require many attributes to excel at their chosen sport - practice, determination and skill are but a few.
“Sport is 10% physical - and 90% mental.”
Whoever coined the phrase (and no-one actually seems to know!) referred to the too-oft-neglected importance of mental attitude in sport.
Athletes are well aware of how physical condition can affect performance - but how aware are they of MENTAL conditioning?
Sport is largely about strength in adversity, and that makes it particularly relevant in our current lockdown world READ MORE!

Business Mindset
Re-Light Your Entrepreneur Fire
With The Power Of Hypnosis.
The current pandemic has without a doubt changed business’s and the economy and many companies are now having to adapt to the new realities, and find ways to deliver their services
in completely new ways.
All businesses are having to re-evaluate, and find innovative ways to survive, and look to come out in a stronger position in the market place.
Without a doubt having the right mindset and focus is now more important than ever to find a way through the dark days.
Entrepreneurs and business owners are a breed of their own.
Their spirit and dreams at some point in the past made them brave enough to step away from stability in order to pursue their dreams.
They applied a determined and focused mindset to achieve.
Perhaps now more than ever that same entrepreneurial spirit can be deployed again, to overcome the challenges, and focus on a brighter future....
Sheila offers 6 strategies that can help reignite the entrepreneurial fire READ MORE

Virtual Holidays
Helping you beat the holiday blues as the Covid19 continues and the Australian government has said to not make holiday plans just yet, many people may find their state of mind slipping downwards without their annual trip to look forward to.
So in response, I’m going to help people to travel to their favourite destination – from the comfort of their own armchair!
Amid the despair and grief of this pandemic, it might seem silly to focus on holidays, but they undoubtedly play a huge part in our mental health and wellbeing.
I’m excited to share with you I’ve created five free audio downloads.
This will enable people to lift their spirits by taking their minds away to an amazing holiday destination and in doing so, take back a little of the relaxation and release as though they would have enjoyed had they actually been away.
Sheila offers six strategies that can help reignite the entrepreneurial fire in you! Read More

Is Fear Keeping You Smoking?
If you’re a smoker and worried about the risks around COVID-19 then now would be a good time to change it, to think about quitting for good.
It’s a harsh reality that if you’re a smoker you’re more likely to get acute respiratory infections and have a higher risk of those infections becoming severe.
There has never been a better time to stop smoking.
But quitting is hard for many and perhaps particularly so at a time of great stress and when many of our routines have been so suddenly disrupted.
Perhaps, like the majority of smokers, the mere thought of stopping fills you with panic.
If you smoke, the mere thought of giving up can fill you with PANIC…? Is this YOU?
You have every intention of quitting one day - just not today…

Stress Less, Improve Relationships & Sleep Better
3 Week ONLINE Group Program with Sheila Henley
Sheila Henley Clinical Hypnotherapist & NLP Coach has put together a 3 week Online program to help you through these current times and beyond.
Let's put the last 3 weeks Topics, Anxiety, Relationships & Sleep
Together and Go even deeper!
By joining an online group with Sheila each week from the comfort of your own home it makes it not only enjoyable but more affordable.
If you've been following me on my Facebook page & Blogs Pages you may have noticed these topics have been shared over the recent weeks.
With this program we will be diving even more deeply allowing you to work at a cellular and unconscious level with the tools Sheila works with in a safe space, online, from the comfort of your own home..... Read More

How To Fix your Sleep Issues with the Power of Hypnosis
The current pandemic has certainly changed the way we live our everyday lives.
It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep - sleep becomes more difficult when we are anxious.
Many people are suffering sleep issues for the first time in their lives experiencing being:.
awake for long periods
unable to fall asleep at all
wake up several times during the night
more intense and emotional dreams
tired and groggy the next morning
find it difficult to concentrate or function properly
feel irritable
But good sleep strategies will help you sleep well and can limit the negative effects of poor sleep...... Read More

How to Improve Relationships with the Power of Hypnosis
The coronavirus outbreak is leading to big changes in the way we live our everyday lives.
Our relationships are hugely important to us just at a time when they are being placed under the most intense pressure.
Relationships are not built on the expectation that you'll be spending all day, every day with that person.
If you’re both working from home, with nowhere to go in the evenings, there’s a chance you may experience some friction.
Perhaps it’s happening already?
This is perfectly normal, particularly given the increased stress we’re all under right now.
But, as we could be in this predicament for a while yet, it’s worth taking some steps to ensure we get through this period with our relationships intact.
We may even come out the other side stronger.... READ MORE!

Coping With The Chaos - How To Manage Uncertainty In Uncertain Times.
The world is in the grip of a global pandemic.
We are living in extremely uncertain times - and that uncertainty can be difficult to cope with.
You may feel worried right now.
You may struggle to keep anxious thoughts in check.
And you may feel unsure about the future.
But help is at hand - you CAN learn to live with uncertainty.
Facing Uncertainty is Scarier than Facing Physical Pain
A new study shows that the uncertainty of something bad happening can be more stressful than the knowledge of something bad happening.... READ MORE